Our Children Needs Urgent And Consistent Prayers

September 23, 2020by Divine Exchange0

We cannot say we are blessed without including our children as part of the blessing. Our children are under attack and the enemy is focusing seriously on the next generation.

The Lord is saying we must pray for our children urgently. So this week all our prayers will be focused on our children.

No matter how wealthy, celebrated or influential a man is, if his children are not successful he is a failure.  Archbishop Idahosa said you are not successful until you have a successor!

Two weeks ago, when we were in the prayer rain I saw a vision of a bus filled with children and I saw that this bus crashed and there were a lot of casualties, we cancel the agenda of the devil in Jesus name!

We heard that last week a bus carrying children in South Africa crashed and many kids lost their lives, the devil is at work but he will not see your seed in Jesus name!

We must pray for our children because the world they are living in right now is full of evil, it is godless and every value, decency, morality has been destroyed in the name of modernisation.

God has been removed from the school system and the social media is filled with many anti-Christ materials and agenda. We heard of children committing suicide and filming it live on Facebook, the devil is a liar!

Why is there a need for urgent prayer?

  • The sin environment is toxic to your children
  • Social media is attacking the mind of your children
  • The systems of government are taking the power of the parents every day
  • The spirit of confusion is after your children
  • The spirit of alcoholism, sexual immorality and drug abuse is after your children
  • The spirits of your ancestral line, the bloodline are after your children trying to enforce generational curses

We must pray for our children not to bow to peer pressure so that they can be comfortable with their Christian values and beliefs.


What to do Now!

  1. Commit yourself to teach your children love

When you teach your children what it is to love by loving them and making them understand the love of God, this will become a foundation in their lives.

Be determined that your home must be filled with love and not hate or bitterness.

  1. Introduce your children to Jesus

The salvation of your child is your priority.

  • Papa Enenche’s mother introduced him to Jesus
  • Papa Oyedepo’s grand Mother introduced him to Jesus
  • My mother introduced me to Jesus

Let them know Jesus through your experience and relationship with Him.

They must know that Jesus is their friend and answers prayer!

If you do not introduce them to Jesus, someone will introduce them to Satan!

  1. Become an example to your children

Many parents are not leading by examples. They have bad character and expect their children to be better?

When you have no discipline, it shows when your children are very undisciplined.

I have seen parents who encourage their children’s rudeness and bad behaviours because they are like that too!

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.


  1. Command your children to serve the Lord

God boasted about Abraham, that I know he will command his children after me!

Genesis 18:19, “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him”


Wow! Can God boast about you like this?

  • How can your child refuse to come to church and yet stay under your roof?
  • How can your child be sleeping when you are supposed to be having a morning devotion?

You must put your foot down and ensure that the house rules are godly and must be adhered to as long as you pay their bills and provide for them. Let them know that they must serve the God that is the provider.

  1. Engage your children to study the Bible

I remember growing up as a child I cannot remember how many bibles my parents bought for us. It was just too many, they bought all kinds to encourage us to study the word of God.

  • You have spent money buying the most expensive mobile phone, tablet, games and gadgets for your kids. What’s your word investment on them??
  • Start buying your Children good Christian materials that will enrich their souls.
  1. Be quick to correct your children when they’re wrong

Many parents see their children misbehaving and do nothing.

Heb.12:6 “For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”


Some say they’re just children but you forget that to correct a child is to love a child.

What was the sin of Eli? He refused to correct his children and for this God punished Him.

  1. Speak and declare the blessings over your children daily

The patriarchs of faith always blessed their children and we must do the same!

Release parental blessing upon them daily. Anoint them and declare greatness upon them.

Why is this necessary? Your children are a reward from the Lord and not a liability. They will bring blessings and not burdens!

When you speak the Blessing over your children, they will live a Blessed Live!

Psalm 112:2 “Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed”

  1. Inspire, motivate and encourage your children

Every child must be made to believe that they can make it and their dreams are possible. Do not allow your children to see the impossibilities but open their eyes to the unlimited possibilities and opportunities they have in Christ.

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”


  • They can make it to Oxford and Cambridge.
  • They can become the best of the best.
  • The colour of their skin does not matter but what matters is the content of their character (Martin Luther King).

I declare that in DECC and every child connected to this commission, will not escape greatness in Jesus name! I command outstanding performance upon your children!

You may be reading this now and say I am not a parent, I pray for you that you will have your own children!

I declare that every estranged parent is restored back to your children in Jesus name! I command total family restoration in Jesus name!

As we enter into the month of May, our month of Prosperity For Ever-Increasing Glory, you and your entire household will prosper in Jesus name!!!

Thought for the week…..“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith”.

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